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Found 11158 results for any of the keywords in opinions. Time 0.006 seconds.
Media Files Cited in Opinions - Supreme Court of the United StatesOn occasion, an opinion may cite to a media file, e.g., a video or audio file that is part of the record in the lower court. Those files are posted here.
Online Sources Cited in Opinions for the 2024 TermBecause some URLs cited in the Court s opinions may change over time or disappear altogether, an attempt is made to capture in PDF format the material cited in an opinion.
Opinions - Supreme Court of the United StatesThe term opinions as used on this website refers to several types of writing by the Justices.
In-Chambers Opinions
Opinions Relating to Orders - 2023
U.S. ReportsThe U. S. Reports is compiled and published for the Court by the Reporter of Decisions. See 28 U. S. C. ยง673(c). Page proofs prepared by the Court are reproduced, printed, and bound in coordination with the U.
Case Citation Finder - Supreme Court of the United StatesThe search box below may be used to retrieve the citation, in the form recommended by the Reporter of Decisions, for every signed, per curiam, or in-chambers opinion published (or soon to be published) in the United Stat
Home - Supreme Court of the United StatesThe audio recordings and transcripts of all oral arguments heard by the Supreme Court of the United States are posted on this website
Home - Supreme Court of the United StatesThe audio recordings and transcripts of all oral arguments heard by the Supreme Court of the United States are posted on this website
Home - Supreme Court of the United StatesAlthough the eminent Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and Chief Justice Earl Warren represent two different eras in Supreme Court history, they once came face to face in the Supreme Court s courtroom.
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